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Melchisedec - A Character Study

Melchisedec - A Character Study - Robert Dallmann While conducting research for a different project I was reminded of Melchisedec. I was powerfully moved by the fact that the Bible says that Jesus' High Priestly ministry was patterned after Melchisedec.

He is mentioned by name only eleven (11) times in the Bible and seven (7) of these state that Jesus' ministry is patterned after Melchisedec!

It was a great joy writing this book, and the character study that has resulted in "Melchisedec - A Character Study" has deepened my understanding of Jesus and has strengthened my faith. I pray that reading this book will do likewise for you.

The School of Christ

The School of Christ - T. Austin-Sparks Most of my reading is limited to the Bible. However, this powerful book is well worth reading.

It is not a long book, but the content is so compelling, you will likely read sections of it more than once.

All Christians should read this book.

Welcome Home, Davey

Welcome Home, Davey - Dave Roever, Harold Fickett Generally, my reading is limited to the Bible. My available time is minimal, so my reading must be meaningful.

Having said this, I have read "Welcome Home, Davey" THREE times.

This is a compelling true story of the account of Dave Roever and his injuries, recovery, and ministry that have arisen since his time in Viet Nam.

I would VERY HIGHLY RECOMMEND this book to engaged and newlywed couples!

No, this is not a book about how to have a good marriage, but the testimonies included in this story demonstrate what a REAL Christian marriage should be like.



Scarred - Dave Roever This book is similar to "Welcome Home Davey"; therefore, my review is similar.

Generally, my reading is limited to the Bible. My available time is minimal, so my reading must be meaningful.

Having said this, "Scarred" is well worth reading!

This is a compelling true story of the account of Dave Roever and his injuries, recovery, and ministry that have arisen since his time in Viet Nam.

I would VERY HIGHLY RECOMMEND this book to engaged and newlywed couples!

No, this is not a book about how to have a good marriage, but the testimonies included in this story demonstrate what a REAL Christian marriage should be like.


Baptisms - One? Many? Or Both?

Baptisms - One? Many? Or Both? - Robert Dallmann The subject of "baptisms" can be a very emotion driven topic. There is so much controversy and confusion that the subject is often avoided.

While writing about the baptisms found in the Bible, I have attempted to take the approach of holding to ONLY and EXACTLY what the Scriptures say.

This book, "Baptisms - One? Many? Or Both?" is designed to provide easy-to-use tools to help identify and differentiate one Biblical baptism from another. Once baptisms have been identified, then the studying can begin.

It is my prayer that the readers will find this book to be as valuable a tool as I have.